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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Are you angry DBA?
mmm right now Im working on my first project with this *behavior* and I thought it was an exceptional situation.. now I realized this is normal now a days..
I used to think there were 2 kinds of DBA's, develoment DBA (for analisys and design) and production DBA (for tuning, maintenance and all that stuff).. but this approach kills the first category.. =(
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Mercadante, Thomas F (LABOR)
Sent: Lunes, 29 de Agosto de 2005 10:38 a.m.
Subject: RE: Are you angry DBA?
I agree with you. Especially in today's development world. Developers do all the database design and leave the DBA's out of the loop. We get called in when the stuff hits the fan.
And then we get to play the hero, "fixing" the bad design.
Not the best way to run a project, but it is the reality today.
From: [] On Behalf Of Marquez, Chris
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: Are you angry DBA?
I liked the idea of this site, but thought it was rather lame. Seemed to be more about one angry developer than any good "AngryDBA" stuff?
Take these;
How to piss off the DBA
"When working on a project...
wait until the day of release...
before bringing the DBA into the loop."
This seems more of a self indictment of one own interpersonal skills than a unreasonable DBA?
"Create production processes that run on test.
Then when they break or data is lost tell the CIO it's the DBAs fault."
Sadly I have seem this happen all to many the end the "technical" DBA simply shows management (CIO) the problem and the developers says "oops, I forgot" and never apologizes to anyone. In the end management (CIO) further recognizes on the DBA as a reliable resource. ;o)
Personally I have never claimed ownership of and database I support (OK, maybe in my early days I did, but I changed). I learned very early that in life and in the IT world especially "you can NOT save people from themselves" and trying only makes you the "bad guy"...the "complainer"...the "Angry DBA".
It is my database to support, backup, and make available and avoid personal mistakes while doing so. It is NOT my database to force rules and restrictions. It is NOT my database to block all bad code from and stop all data loss from. People *will* "hurt" the database...I just need to be ready to fix what is within my control.
Anybody feel differently?
Chris Marquez
Oracle DBA
-- on Mon Aug 29 2005 - 11:00:07 CDT
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