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Oracle-L: by subject
- Are you angry DBA?
- Bind variable - missing/00 legth value
- Debug DDL trigger
- High elapsed to CPU ratio for parses
- Insert Rate/Second
- Java Virtual Machine on 10g, 10.1 and migration from
- MultiMaster Replication
- New Mailing List
- ORA-1578...block corrupted...error is normal...a block...had a
- ORA-1578...block corrupted...error is normal...a block...had a NOLOGGING...operation performed against
- Patch 9.2.07 for Linux
- Pl/SQL Question
- Re : How RMAN restore control file from tape?
- RMAN Disk Based Backup
- root10104.sh file missing
- Table growth - disk sizing
- The Quest for Accurate Understanding
- Username with failed login
- Last message date: Wed Aug 24 2005 - 00:31:28 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Apr 23 2006 - 04:30:02 CDT