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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Debug DDL trigger
With all due respect, first of all get rid of the exception clause. This
thing alone has helped me find 99% of the issues where "this stupid trigger
doesn't fire" is the catch phrase. Once you see the error, rest is easy.
As a boundary condition, what error do you think you will get if my table name is exactly (or more than) 27 characters long? Also I'd prefer to get rid of the WHEN clause of the trigger and add that to the WHERE clause.
On 8/22/05, Herring Dave - dherri <> wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm having a rough time trying to figure out how to debug a DDL trigger.
> I'm on Oracle <>, under Tru64 5.1. I've written a
> trigger whose purpose is to make a backup copy of a table in one schema into
> another, before the table gets dropped. The problem is, as far as I can
> tell, the trigger is never fired. I've validated that the trigger exists and
> is enabled, but can't get any further. Is there a way to trace how triggers
> get chosen to be fired by Oracle?
> Here's the trigger's text:
> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sys.cp_tab_before_drop_btg
> BEFORE drop ON dherri.SCHEMA
> WHEN ( ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE'
> AND ( ora_dict_obj_name LIKE 'SCORE\_ACCT\_TB\_%' ESCAPE '\'
> )
> )
> v_datestamp DATE := sysdate;
> v_ddl_stmt VARCHAR2(4000);
> v_ora_error NUMBER;
> v_procedure_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'CP_TAB_BEFORE_DROP_BTG';
> v_procedure_owner VARCHAR2(30) := 'SYS';
> v_table_count PLS_INTEGER := 1;
> INSERT INTO dherri.aud_plsql_error_tb values ('SYS','Test: Before
> SELECT',1,sysdate);
> /*
> * Validate the table to be dropped does exist.
> */
> SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_table_count
> FROM dba_tables
> WHERE owner = ora_dict_obj_owner
> AND table_name = ora_dict_obj_name;
> IF v_table_count > 0 THEN
> INSERT INTO dherri.aud_plsql_error_tb values ('SYS','Test: Within
> IF-TEST',v_table_count,sysdate);
> v_ddl_stmt := 'CREATE TABLE dherri.'||ora_dict_obj_name||'_bkp PCTFREE 0
> AS SELECT * FROM dherri.'||ora_dict_obj_name||';';
> v_ora_error := ABS(SQLCODE);
> INSERT INTO dherri.aud_plsql_error_tb VALUES (v_procedure_owner,
> v_procedure_name, v_ora_error, sysdate);
> END;
> /
> Dave
> -------------------------------------
> Dave Herring, DBA
> Acxiom Corporation
> 3333 Finley
> Downers Grove, IL 60515
> wk: 630.944.4762
> < <>>
> -------------------------------------
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