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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Anyone with experience with MMOG and databases? gravou em 2005-08-12 15:00:56:
> ANSI is *not* an old hat -- it is a national hat, just like DIN
I stand correct. I was in error for thinking in the 'popular', but wrong way, that when people refer to ANSI SQL they are usually thinking pre-ISO SQL:1999.
> close that they are documented together. And if anyone says that Oracle
is far
> away from implementing the ANSI/ISO standard, I challenge that
> person to mention a product that comes closer...
Would you take two? IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL.
Oracle has great coverage of the standards, but even in SQL ISO:1999 it deviated too much in the core. Things like DATE type, CONNECT BY, PL/SQL vs SQL/PSM.
> By the way, I assume we are talking core SQL:2003 if you talk about the
> standard, right? that's the *only* existing standard, because ISO
> supersede eachother.
Yep, great point. But I have to admit I haven't followed up much since ISO SQL:1999, since I dislike the general direction of ISO SQL away from its relational roots.
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