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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: testenvironment aix or Linux
On 08/12/2005 09:49:31 AM, Leandro Guimaraes Faria C. Dutra wrote:
> While I will make a point of answering your doubts, your attitude
> is so negative I doubt you really want to learn anything.
Oh, trust me, I do. I'm doing nothing but learning things, that is my forte. I'm only negative when people are trying to make a believer out of me. In addition to that, if I were you, I would refrain from making personal comments about people you don't know anything about.
> Besides, if you
> really wanted you'd checked this information by yourself, because the
> community is very open and well documented. Everything I told you besides
> the reason of the SPI-FSF split is public knowledge, and Debian even links
> to consultants and vendors .
Good for them.
> > > That just shows how little you know about Debian -- or how
> > > dependent you are on Oracle.
> > I am an Oracle DBA. I use Oracle to pay the bills.
> So am I, but I like to know something else.
Like Debian? As it is hardly used in the commercial environment, I don't see the point. Personally, I am more into honing my Perl and PHP skills. They are much more valued in the job market.
> > Yes, I am dependent upon it. I used to
> > depend on VAX/VMS but since the demise of DEC, I am using various
> > versions of Unix: SCO,
> > AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and Linux. My favorite one is HP-UX.
> Really? Why?
Because it seldomly created any problems. The thing with HP-UX is that it just works. The only Unix machine that I ever saw returning "934" when uptime command was executed was (I was working for the company named Telstra at the time. This revelation will make our resident Aussies hate me). Needless to say, it was an HP-UX HP-9000 box.
> > I don't know much about Debian.
> > They haven't motivated me to learn it, so I am blissfully ignorant
> > of them. I prefer it to stay that way.
> So why make a point of speaking about what you do not know?
I didn't start the fire, it was always burning , since the world's been turning. In other words, you were the one to start pushing Debian. Debian faithful are like Jehova's witnesses, fanatically devoted to their little cult and hard to get rid of.
> > One of the two most popular RPM distros. No medal for the second place.
> HP-UX is the second or third more popular Unix, yet you like it
> better.
I like it the best, but not for the popularity reasons. Computer market is not always a popularity contest. HP-UX is miss congeniality. I am not mister congeniality, but I will work for the world peace and will try preventing hunger and helping the poor and underprivileged.
> > b) That ALSA is the way to go and that I should use ALSA and forget
> > my application, the one that I have paid for.
> That is precisely the point. When you run proprietary software on
> GNU/Linux, you are on your own -- actually your proprietary vendor has to
> support you. OSS is just such a vendor, like Oracle. If they support
> SuSE, use their support.
Eh, but the problem was located and they were supposed to answer my question. They refused to do so. They were treated accordingly.
> > I could hear his face redden over the phone. Needless to say, I will
> > never use SuSE again.
> I am not a SuSE fan, but I do think you were in the wrong here. I
> wouldn't trust you after what you revealed about yourself in this thread.
My trustworthiness was not the problem here. My temper was. I tend to be extremely short-tempered when in contact with pricks or idiots. Again, please refrain from making personal comments here. Believe it or not, I can make personal comments and use pop-psychology with the best of them, but this is hardly the place for such form of entertainment. BTW, you'd probably dislike me even more if I described you the treatment I gave to Jehova's witnesses that woke me up two months ago. I didn't know that they can run so fast.
-- Mladen Gogala -- on Fri Aug 12 2005 - 09:29:01 CDT
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