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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Survey: Which Linux desktop would you run a test of Oracle on and why?
A couple years ago I was once in a hurry to meet a crazy deadline and
I actually ponied up the dollars for Suse Enterprise 8. Mostly though,
I run whatever version of Suse Professional is current. Right now I'm
running 10gR2 on Suse Pro 9.3. There were a few packages I had to
install that didn't come by default, and I wasn't able to get ASMLib
to go on at all, but Suse and then Oracle went on the box with a
minimum of fuss. (The lack of ASMLib, btw, does not completely prevent
you from using ASM.)
Best regards,
Jonathan Gennick --- Brighten the corner where you are * 906.387.1698 *
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 2:43:55 PM, Jesse, Rich ( wrote:
JR> I'm struggling with getting CentOS 4.1 (RHEL 4 clone) configured as a JR> desktop that I can also run an instance of 9i, 10gR1, and/or 10gR2 on. JR> There's no way I should be having this many problems with an effing JR> wheel mouse, missing or sorely out-of-date RPMs, problematic RPMs JR> (openssl and a snafu), and so on. I still plan on using JR> it for a headless Linux server for Oracle testing, but not for a JR> desktop. JR> I had formerly been using Gentoo, but I'm sick of the way the Gentoo JR> Team keeps breaking Portage (try a revdep-rebuild after upgrading JR> openssl if you haven't done a emerge world in the last six months). I'm JR> thinking of going back to Gentoo and employing workarounds, but wouldJR> just as soon having something a little closer to "Oracle Certified" if JR> only to ease Oracle testing.
JR> My main goals are:
JR> 1) Useable and customizeable desktop. (e.g. Enlightenment WM) JR> 2) Oracle 9.2, 10.1, 10.2+ installable and as usable as a JR> "supported" Linux. JR> 3) Avoid distros which make me do more work while attempting to JR> protect me from myself (e.g. Ubuntu).
JR> Ideally, I'd like to get away from the RPM Hell, which significantly JR> narrows down the field, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.
JR> Thoughts?
JR> Rich
JR> Rich Jesse System/Database Administrator JR> QuadTech, Sussex, WI USAJR> --
-- on Wed Aug 10 2005 - 20:50:31 CDT
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