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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Survey: Which Linux desktop would you run a test of Oracle on and why? gravou em 2005-08-10 15:43:55:
> I'm struggling with getting CentOS 4.1 (RHEL 4 clone) configured as a
> desktop that I can also run an instance of 9i, 10gR1, and/or 10gR2 on.
Why use anything but a certified platform?
If you really can't use Red Hat or SuSE or UnitedLinux or whatever, then you are on your own. I've made Ora10 run on Debian, and once it runs it runs well, but it was not nice getting there. I basically had to combine steps from three or four web how-tos.
If I had to do it today I'd either stay with Debian, which I know well and is a breeze to manage, or get something the closer possible to a certified platform, like the Fedora release a particular Red Hat was based on. All this should get easier in the future because of OpenSuSE -- and much easier if UserLinux or DebianCore or something the like manage to get certified by Oracle.
-- Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA Administrador de Bases de Dados +55 (11) 4390 5383 Toyota do Brasil Ltda São Bernardo do Campo, SP BRASIL This message (including any attachments) is confidential and may be privileged and intended solely for the use of the person/entity to whom it is addressed. If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by returning via e-mail as well as delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is prohibited. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. TOYOTA DO BRASIL LTDA (including its group companies) shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication, neither for personal, nonbusiness related information nor opinion sent through this email or even for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. TOYOTA DO BRASIL LTDA (or its group companies) does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been kept nor that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interference. -- on Wed Aug 10 2005 - 13:51:11 CDT
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