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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Does anyone run test win vs. linux and can share how muchfaster is linux than windows, please?
On 8/10/05, Leandro Guimaraes Faria C. Dutra <> wrote:
> gravou em 2005-08-10 11:31:29:
> > For example directIO on Linux filesystems perhaps? Certainly I view
> > the Linux culture as shown on /. to be low-quality. Something tells
> > me that wasn't quite what you had in mind though.
> Your identifying /. with Linux just shows I didn't made myself
> understood. So where I wrote 'Linux culture', let's be more precise and
> say 'open systems development and administration culture' as opposed to
> 'proprietary systems culture' on one hand and '/. blabbers' on the other.
Actually it really shows that I was being deliberately a little bit dense to try and bring a little light to what you were saying. I *understood* what you were saying as being something along the lines of *Windows is a low quality closed source os generally run by poor quality people *and *Linux is a high quality open source os generally run by high-quality people. *where open source would also be seen as being better than closed source and that therefore you'd be more likely to experience OS related issues on Windows rather than Linux. If I'm anywhere near being right then I think I'd disagree with almost all your assumptions. I don't see that proprietory is necessarily worse than open, I have next to know way of telling what skillsets systems admins that I haven't met have and I don't see windows and linux as being of radically different quality. (though they are obviously radically different operating systems).
> Personally I'm with the earlier contributor who suggested that the
> > raw performance of an OS is a poor factor to make the driving force
> > behind OS decisions. Factors such as the available skillsets of your
> > staff (and candidates in your geographical area), support from both
> > the OS and application vendors, hardware support and so on will be
> > more important it seems to me. I'd argue that many of the same
> > factors apply to rdbms choice these days as well.
> Granted, but (1) since we're talking Oracle here we'd assume we
> have the other points of the platform sorted out and (2) quality of
> workforce is exactly one area where platforms differ greatly, generally to
> the advantage of centralised, open systems as opposed to client-server,
> proprietary ones.
I'd disagree with point 2. I don't see any hard evidence for that.
--Received on Wed Aug 10 2005 - 10:12:35 CDT
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