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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Too many rows reported for index in tkprof gravou em 2005-08-09 19:17:16:
> It would be nice to see the query which generated this execution plan.
I had refrained to do so because I wasn't concerned with the overall query but by the strange number, and others have already pointed me to the nested loop as a culprit. But since you asked, be prepared, it is long:
p.business_unit, v.vendor_id, p.voucher_id, p.scheduled_pay_dt, p.pymnt_gross_amt, vn.name1, p.pymnt_modality_brl, p.pymnt_method, v.invoice_id, b.document_numb_brl, p.bank_cd, p.bank_acct_key, b.bol_seq_num_brl, b.gross_amt, 0, 0, p.pymnt_gross_amt - (b.gross_amt - 0 + 0), p.pymnt_cnt FROM sysadm.PS_PYMNT_VCHR_XREF p, sysadm.PS_VOUCHER v, sysadm.PS_VENDOR vn, sysadm.PS_BOLETO_BRL b WHERE p.BOL_SEQ_NUM_BRL = ' ' AND p.PYMNT_SELCT_STATUS = 'N' AND p.PYMNT_METHOD = 'EFT' AND p.PYMNT_TYPE <> 'W' AND p.PYMNT_ACTION <> 'P' AND p.PYMNT_GROSS_AMT > 0 AND v.ENTRY_STATUS <> 'X' AND v.IN_PROCESS_FLG = 'N' AND b.tdb_associado_brl = 'N' AND v.BUSINESS_UNIT = p.BUSINESS_UNIT AND v.VOUCHER_ID = p.VOUCHER_ID AND vn.vendor_id = v.vendor_id AND v.business_unit = b.business_unit AND p.remit_vendor = b.vendor_id AND SUBSTR (v.invoice_id, 1, 6) = SUBSTR (b.document_numb_brl, 1, 6);
> It is obviously from PeopleSoft Financials because of tables
> PS_BOLETO_BRL does not appear in the vanilla application, so this is a
> customisation.
> The full scan on VENDOR is often caused by the user forgetting to join
> table on SETID (which is the first column in the unique index). In many
> companies there is only a single SETID, or a single SETID per
> Hence users often forget to add the join in PS/Query. So this is
> an ad-hoc on-line query in a customised part of the application.
Dead right.
> The other point to make is that if you are to successfully administer a
> PeopleSoft system, then you need to get a little familiarity with the
> PeopleSoft development tools. You don't need to be able to develop
> application code, but you do need to be able to find out how things are
> defined or coded and then get a developer to change them.
Good advice, thanks. If only I had not some dozens of Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Informix and DB2 instances to manage... and far worse apps than PeopleSoft (made for example by recent Clipper programmers), I'd certainly follow it. For now I'm left to trying to understand the database at hand.
Investment in knowledge is always good advice, too bad employers like to understaff and overextend.
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