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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OCFS2 gravou em 2005-08-05 17:18:51:
> Marquez, Chris wrote: RE: OCFS2
> > I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for"...and with OCFS that
> > is so true.
> >
> That, unfortunately, applies to Linux as well. Stability-wise, it's
> nowhere near HP-UX, AIX or Solaris.
> It's about as good as Winduhs server but much more convenient.
Any data points on this?
On my experience, GNU/Linux is much superior to MS Windows, and on par with Unix if you just dedicate the same care and precautions to each. But it is so cheap one tends to build lotsa little, unplanned for servers instead of one properly planned and cared for server.
Here convenience is your foe, you tend to install so much more software, and bleeding-edge at that, because it is so convenient. A good package manager like Debian's help, but then you end up installing even more and more bleeding-edge software.
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