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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Anyone using multi-block sizes for their databases
I appreciate the parsing, but I'm sticking with
orthogonal. The two topics start at 90 degree
angles from each other (perpendicular) but they
interect. So I offered it up. Two
lines intersecting at right angles are
orthogonal. Are we using the same etymology?
I was off by an order of magnitude on the size of the doc though, good arithmetic.
So what does any of that have to do with the topic itself?
I can't URL to the authors. I wrote it.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Leandro Guimaraes Faria C. Dutra []
>>>Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 12:19 PM
>>>Cc:; Lex de Haan;
>>>Subject: RE: Anyone using multi-block sizes for their databases
>>> gravou em 2005-08-04 15:34:02:
>>>> I had a paper published in the proceedings of Computer Measurement
>>>> Group and Oracle Internals Magazine on this topic. Well,
>>>not exactly
>>>> this topic, but multiple buffer pools to be exact so they are
>>>> orthoganal in my opinion
>>> If they are orthogonal, the paper would be
>>>irrelevant. I guess
>>>you meant related.
>>>> anyone want to see it? it is 247 bytes PDF and I don't think I am
>>>> supposed to email that to the list so ....
>>> I doubt a 247B PDF doc would be useful, and 247kiB
>>>doesn't sound
>>>big, while 247MiB sounds too big to be true.
>>> Anyway, can't you just put it at a website, or point
>>>us to an URL
>>>from the authors?
>>>Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA
>>>Administrador de Bases de Dados +55 (11) 4390 5383
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-- on Thu Aug 04 2005 - 15:35:07 CDT
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