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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: dba mgt woes
Interesting thoughts - which I have been feeling as well and am
concerned about not just as an employer but more importantly as a
mother. My family lost everything when I was a teenager although it was
hard I had to worry about getting to go to college, what I would be
doing in my future - sooooo I never took jobs, finances, education for
How do I convey those values to my children knowing full well they are competing with people that are "hungry" for any opportunity and will take a lot less to do it.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Wendelken
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: dba mgt woes
>...He went into the "generation gap" issue. Was fascinating.
>He classified each generation ito of what is important to them. Newer
>generations did not live under the threat of nuclear war. Do not recall
>the Berlin Wall. HIV/AIDS have always been around. Older and newer
>generations each dealing with very different sets of problems, with
>different social and moral values, different goals in life and so on.
>What he said about the generation group I fell into made a lot of
>sense.. and when he explained the newer generations I could immediately
>identify those characteristics that I have observed in many of my
>co-workers who are younger than me. The lack of what I would call
>committment in solving a problem, but instead "passing the buck".
>However, as he described the newer generations it became clear that my
>perceptions are rooted in my generation's "value system" and that these
>new people do not see this as either a lack of committment or passing
>the buck - simply because their value system is so very different than
>mine and yours.
Being employed at a job also entails a "value system".
It is this:
"Provide value to the company and get paid in return."
If this is inconsistent with their "value system", let them pursue their worthwhile but different life goals on someone else's nickel.
>...dealing wuth juniors that seem to lack when it comes to helping
>themselves to manuals, rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands
>greasy and dirty and gaining experience that way.
I don't care whether they are "juniors" or not, if they aren't willing to work hard, learn their craft, and get the job done right. They either need an "attitude adjustment" or a "workplace adjustment".
I explain to new consultants that their job is to "magically make problems go away for the people who hired them." In order to do this successfully, they need to do as much work of the work as possible without pestering others for help or input.
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