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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: help in streams setup
Thanks for the hints.
According to the article I don't think that I need to set the instantation for the table because it has loaded from an import.
Perhaps it is because it was load from an import rether than created from an import that the problem exists.
I will continue to attempt other methid to get it working as i have over 100 tables I want to repliucate.
>>> Koen Van Langenhove <> 07/06/05 12:59 PM >>>
Hi Ron,
I'm not a streams expert, but I once tried the setup as described in the
article you mention. It was 9ir2 db, not 10g as in the article.
In your scenario, I'm missing the part where you set the instantiation number for the table, as described in step 11 of the article.
Other suggestions:
- DBA_APPLY_ERROR lists valuable information
- since you set the disable_on_error parameter for the apply process, it
should stop and leave a tracefile in bdump when it encounters an error,
the tracefile might be interesting
- I solved a permission problem in my configuration by enabling
sql_trace for the strmadmin sessions through a logon-trigger
Ron Rogers wrote:
> After printing and getting confused with the "Oracle Streams Replication Admin Guide", I have been following the article
>"Making Data Flow" by Sanjay Mishra published in the Oracle Magazine Nov/Dec 2004.
>Step I have taken>
>STREAMS_POOL_SIZE = 209715200
>Created a tablespace streams_tbs size 200 M
>Created a user strmadmin identified by strmadmin
>default tablespace streams_tbs temporary tablespace temp
>quota unlimited.
>granted connect, resource, dba to strmadmin.
>As SYS on SOURCE and DESTINATION database.
>grantee => 'strmadmin',
>grant_privileges => true);
>grant select_catalog_role to strmadmin;
>grant select any dictionary to strmadmin;
>As STRMADMIN on SOURCE database created the database link.
>connect strmadmin/strmadmin_at_redhatdb-tcp
>create database link linuxbox.glc
>connect to strmadmin idenfified by strmadmin using 'testbox-tcp';
>As STRMADMIN on DESTINATION database created the database link.
>connect strmadmin/strmadmin_at_testbox-tcp
>create database link redhatdb.glc
>connect to strmadmin idenfified by strmadmin using 'redhatdb-tcp';
>as STRMADMIN on the SOURCE and DESTINATION database.
>exec dbms_streams_adm.set_up_queue();
>on the DESTINATION database
>created the table ARCHTEST that I want to replicate using streams.
>grante all on ARCHTEST to strmadmin;
>On the SOURCE database as the table owner.
>alter table ARCHTEST add supplemental lof data (all) columns;
>At the SOURCE database export the table ARCHTEST
>and import into the DESTINATION database.
>As STRMADMIN on SOURCE database.
> dbms_streams_adm.add_table_rules (
>table_name =>'ARCHTEST',
>streams_type => 'capture',
>streams_name => 'capture_stream',
>queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
>include_dml => true,
>include_ddl => true,
>inclusion_rule => true);
> dbms_streams_adm.add_table_propagation_rules (
>table_name =>'ARCHTEST',
>streams_name => 'redhatdb_to_testbox',
>source_queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
>destination_queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue_at_linuxbox.glc',
>include_dml => true,
>include_ddl => true,
>inclusion_rule => true);
>as STRMADMIN on the DESTINATION database.
> dbms_streams_adm.add_table_rules (
>table_name =>'ARCHTEST',
>streams_type => 'apply',
>streams_name => 'apply_stream',
>queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue',
>include_dml => true,
>include_ddl => true,
>source_database => 'REDHATDB.GLC',
>inclusion_rule => true);
>As STRMADMIN on SOURCE database.
> dbms_capture_adm.start_capture(
>capture_name => 'capture_stream');
>as STRMADMIN on the DESTINATION database.
> dbms_apply_adm.set_parameter(
>apply_name => 'apply_stream',
>parameter => 'disable_on_error',
>value => 'n');
> dbms_apply_adm.start_apply(
>apply_name => 'apply_stream');
>The article indicates that I should be complete in my setup on the source and destination databases but I do not see any changes in the ARCHTEST table on the destination database when I make changes to the data in the source database.
>Is there a step that I missed or set up incorrectly?
>I would like to get this working so I can replicate changes to 100 plus tables from production to my test database.
>Thanks for any direction that is offered.
-- Regards, Koen Siemens COM COM D MN A Phone : +32 14 25 3000 Email : - - - - - - - Unix IS user-friendly .., it's just quite picky about its friends. -- on Wed Jul 06 2005 - 12:58:58 CDT
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