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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: v$sql_plan shows different exection plan
When you say that sqlplus uses the index do you actually execute the sql
and look at the sql trace or v$sqlplan for the sql, or are you looking
at autotrace (traceonly) or explain?
Explain, and therefore autotrace, is unreliable - if not to say a bloody
liar - if the sql has bind variables. Even more so now in Oracle 9 (or
10) with bind variable peeking. Explain does not peek!!!
david hill wrote:
> I have a strange little problem this morning
> It's a simple little query being executed by our JDE application, er
> Peoplesoft, er Oracle=20
> GMSUB =3D :KEY3 )
> And the table has an index on GMMCU, GMSUB, GMOBJ
> Now when I pull the execution plan from v$sql_plan I see that it is doing a
> full table scan of this table
> but when I execute the query with autotrace on, or use explain plan for,
> Everything looks good the query uses the index,=20
> I've refreshed the stats, checked for stored outlines, there are none, and
> bounced the db, and I always get the same result.
> The application does a Full table scan and in sqlplus and index,=20
> when running the test I do keep the bind variables.
> Anyone have any ideas on this one??
> Thanks
> David Hill
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