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Yes, for example -- RAC vs. let's say HP MC Service Guard?=20
Let's say we already have Service Guard in house. For new implementations should we go with MCSG or look at RAC? RAC is an HA and scalability solution (MCSG is purely HA). I'm trying to get a good handle on the overrall costs comparisons (I know license is only 1 factor, that's why I threw in the hardware scenario since you're supposed to be able to incrementally add capacity to a RAC cluster...)
-----Original Message-----
From: Vlado Barun []=20
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 11:55 AM
To: Khemmanivanh, Somckit;
Subject: RE: Oracle RAC cost justification?
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Khemmanivanh, Somckit
I just wanted to get people's opinions on the cost justification for RAC. ...
When doing cost justifications, license cost is just one component of
overall picture.=20
There are additional factors that increase the cost of RAC (i.e. setup,
configuration, maintenance,...) but can also reduce it (higher
=3D less downtime =3D less business impact =3D less $$$ lost).
So, why are you considering RAC?=20
Is it because of HA requirements then ask the management how much it
the business for every minute/hour of downtime and include that in your
Vlado Barun, M.Sc.
Senior Data Architect, Cadre5
Received on Wed Jun 01 2005 - 15:35:44 CDT