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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: duplicate command to clone database to another host
Thanks Ruth,
I have actually accomplished a duplication before by using a full backup. So I am not sure why incremental level 0 is necessary. I do a full database backup which apparently gets the controlfile, I then archivelog current all, then backup the archives and remove archives from the file system so that seems to match what you are doing.
I think it is the until time that I needed and how to find out the exactly correct one and thank you sooo much for the rman sql to see and the advice on setting the until time (plus one second). I will try that and let you know.
Thanks again Ruth.
You're the best!
-----Original Message-----
From: Ruth Gramolini []=20
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:28 PM
To: Stankus, Paula G;;
Subject: RE: duplicate command to clone database to another host
Use this sql against the rman schema in the recovery catalog database: select max(to_char(completion_time,'YYYY-MM-DD:hh24:mi:ss')) from RMAN.rc_backup_datafile where db_name=3D'YOUR_DB';
If you aren't using a recovery catalog use the system logs to find out the end time of the backup. Then use this time plus 1 second to account for the fractions of a second, to determine the proper until time. Then use a set until time clause in your duplicate script as shown in O_H/rdbms/demo/case4.rcv.
The archivelogs will only be backed up if you tell rman to do so. Here are my 2 backup statements: the first does the db backup and the second backups the archivelogs (after a build in switch log) and deletes the input if successful.
backup incremental level 0
( database include current controlfile );
backup ( archivelog all delete input );
As you can see, I use incremental level 0 instead of a full backup. This allows a point in time recovery or duplicate.
I hope this helps, if not, let me know. I may be able to help more. Call me if you want - 802-828-5708.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3:10 PM
Subject: RE: duplicate command to clone database to another host
I am using the duplicate command in RMAN to duplicate a database to another server.
I have not specified set until time but I wish to have to go to the last night's backup which is run at 3:00 according to the crontab job.
When I recover without using any set until time I get errors that state that there are missing log files. When I copy over the existing archive files from the production server they are at a much later release then what is being requested during recovery of the "duplicate" database.
So - those archivelogs are not online.
Should I set the set until to get the hot backup from last night and what should I set the time to - 3:00 a.m. or later??
Are those logs actually backed up?
How can I be sure that my database full backup gets all the necessary logs so I can recover from the last night's backup?
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