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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: sequential read on full-table scan?
Yes, it is much more costly than a single multiblock read with a high MBRC.
If you collected system statistics during such a time, the gathered
statistics will reflect the low actually achieved MBRC count as opposed to
the db_file_multiblock_read_count init ora setting. With that, the CBO will
calculate a higher cost for a full scan.
e.g. for a table of 1024 blocks
with a dfmrc of 16: cost of FTS = 1152/16 = 72 ( + 1 for
_table_scan_cost_plus_one = true) = 73
with a real mbrc of 3: cost of FTS = 1152/3 = 384 ( + 1 for
_table_scan_cost_plus_one = true) = 385
Both cost values would still be multiplied by the mreadtm/sreadtm ratio for the final FTS cost
At 11:23 PM 5/20/2005, Martic Zoran wrote:
>I am confident that this is probably much more costly
>then doing one MBR.
>It is the interesting fact how Oracle data cache may
>ruin performances sometimes.
>We are not aware of this fact many times.
>I believe that this is showing how important is to
>collect system statistics to reveal to Oracle
>optimizer the real speed of MBR.
>The only problem is that Oracle is not predicting in
>his cost how many MBR/SBR operation are going to
>happen instead of 1 MBR? Is this true?
Wolfgang Breitling
Centrex Consulting Corporation
-- on Sat May 21 2005 - 01:49:59 CDT