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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Make EXPIRED RMAN backup set UNAVAILABLE?
AIX 5.2L, (upgraded from Tru64, 8.1.7)=0D=0A=0D=0AIs it possible to= make an EXPIRED RMAN backupset AVAILABLE in the RMAN=0D=0Arepository datab= ase if the backupset files are no longer on the system=3F=0D=0A=0D=0AI copi= ed a production database backupset to a test box (same directory=0D=0Astruc= ture) with the intention of performing a DUPLICATE to refresh the=0D=0Atest= database. Before I did the DUPLICATE, the backupset was removed=0D=0Afrom= the production box by our nightly RMAN-to-disk backup of that=0D=0Adatabas= e. (These RMAN-to-disk backupsets are picked up afterward by an=0D=0AOS fi= le system backup.) As a shortcut (in retrospect I now know I=0D=0Ashouldn'= t have), to make backupsets unavailable before making the=0D=0Adesired one = AVAILABLE, I ran a CROSSCHECK BACKUP - which EXPIRED all=0D=0Abackupsets bu= t the most recent. I then tried to run CHANGE BACKUPSET=0D=0AAVAILABLE to = make this older EXPIRED backupset available for the=0D=0ADUPLICATE. Unfort= unately, I got the following errors and could not make=0D=0Athe older backu=pset AVAILABLE until I actually put them back on the=0D=0Aproduction box.=0D=
RMAN-06486: changed backup piece expired=0D=0A=0D=0AI swear that I could pr= eviously use the CHANGE BACKUPSET AVAILABLE in=0D=0A8.1.7 to make the EXPIR= ED backupset available even if it was no longer=0D=0Aon the production box.= But I no longer have an 8.1.7 environment on=0D=0Awhich to test it.=0D=0A=0D=
existence of the backupset on system. The RMAN-06481 and RMAN-06486=0D=0Ae= rrors don't exist in the 8.1.7 docs and a TAR with Oracle Support=0D=0Ahasn= 't really answered my question yet. And the 9.2 docs aren't clear=0D=0Ato = me.=0D=0A=0D=0ASo, does anyone know if it's possible to make an EXPIRED RMA= N backupset=0D=0AAVAILABLE in the RMAN repository database if the backupset= files are no=0D=0Alonger on the system=3F And can anyone confirm that thi= s CHANGE BACKUPSET=0D=0AAVAILABLE functionality changed from 8i to 9i=3F I= f it did change, why=0D=0Awould they have changed it to physically check fo= r the backupset when it=0D=0Adid not before=3F=0D=0A=0D=0AThanks for any in= sight you can give me.=0D=0A=0D=0ABob Stauffer=0D=0ADBA=0D=0AD&E Communicat= ions=0D=0AEphrata, PA, USA=0D=0A717-738-8737=0D=0Arstauffer_at_decommunication=**DISCLAIMER=0D=0AThis e-mail message and any = files transmitted with it are intended for the use of the individual or ent= ity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privile= ged, proprietary and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, y= ou may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information c= ontained in the message. If you have received this communication in error, = please notify the sender and delete this e-mail message. The contents do no= t represent the opinion of D&E except to the extent that it relates to thei=r official business.=0D=0A
-- on Fri May 13 2005 - 14:01:34 CDT
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