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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE:best way to identify an unused index
I have been setting a select few of my indexes to 'monitoring usage' and=20=
this is working for us=2E I have been able to identify several large=20=
indexes that are never being used in our production database=2E I did=20=
discover that gathering statistics causes the indexes to show as 'used' in=20=
the v$object_usage table though so you have to be careful about when you=20=
start and stop monitoring usage on the index=2E
So far we have not noticed any performance impact with monitoring usage=20= set on a few indexes at a time=2E
HTH, Patty
Sent by: oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists=2Eorg
2005/05/12 01:58 PM
Please respond to
<arivenes_at_llnl=2Egov>, <dba=2Eorcl_at_gmail=2Ecom>, <oracle-l_at_freelists=2Eorg>
RE:best way to identify an unused index
In Oracle 9i what is the best way to identify an unused index?
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