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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RMAN backup to OCFS failed
>> Anyone encounter these problems?
>> 'drop tablespace xxx including contents and datafiles;'
>> ORA-01265: Unable to delete LOG /U01/oradata/test01.dbf
>> ORA-27056: could not delete file
>> Linux Error: 16: Device or resource busy
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon)
Oracle 9205
Oracle Cluster Manager 9205
Oracle OCFS-Oracle Cluster FileSystem 1.0.13-PROD1: ocfs-2.4.21-EL-smp-1.0.13-1
I don't want to bash OCFS because it works very well for the price we paid for it (zero $$). But it have its administrative issues...specifically I say administrative because we had not had bug issues so far.
Performance is not great...much slower than a OS buffer filesystem like EXT3...and IMHO slower than RAW.
Oracle + OCFS for some reason is incapable of removing the files itself and this is a valid option for Oracle9i and works with other OS/Filesystem...for us it just hangs. We had tried to "rm" the files manually that had clearly eliminated the from the database (data dictionary) and the instance died/terminated when we tried to remove old datafile...some process still hanging on to it. (mv, cp, rm, commands are not directly support against OCFS...see comment below).
It seems files size has something to do with it. Our "work around" is (sadly) this.
Say files /o04/oradata/orcl/index_01.dbf was 1GB and part of the index tablespace. We drop the tablespace and the datafile from the database but the file remain on OCFS.
Next we create a new tablespace reusing the same file but much smaller!
SQL> create tablespace to_drop datafile
'/o04/oradata/orcl/index_01.dbf' size 1m reuse,
'/o04/oradata/orcl/index_02.dbf' size 1m reuse
extent management local uniform size 10k
The we drop the new *small* tablespace and datafiles and OCFS seems to be ok doing this. SQL> drop tablespace to_drop including contents and datafiles
>>||Version 1.1.2 solved some of our ocfs-problems under SLES8. I would like to know if Version 1.1.2 solved this!?
There is some every good OCFS do's and don't's active out on that you *should* read. I your simply can find them email me directly and I will send them directly; OCFS - RAC - RHAS_best_practices.htm
OTN - OCFS - Talking Linux - Update on OCFS by Wim Coekaerts.htm
METALINK - OCFS - Update on OCFS for Linux.htm METALINK - OCFS - Supported and Recommended File System on Unbreakable Linux.htm METALINK - OCFS - Comparing Performance Between RAW IO vs OCFS vs EXT2-3.htm METALINK - OCFS - Oracle Cluster File System-OCFS Red Hat AS - FAQ.htm METALINK - OCFS - FAQ Oracle Cluster File System OCFS on RedHat Advanced Server.htm METALINK - Linux OCFS - Best Practices - Red Hat Advanced Server.htm
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-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Zhai Jingmin
Sent: Mon 5/9/2005 6:07 AM
To: BRUDER ING. Daniela;
Subject: RE: RMAN backup to OCFS failed
Thanks,I'll try this.
"BRUDER ING. Daniela" <> wrote:There is a newer version of ocfs-tools and ocfs-support than 1.0.10 under
Version 1.1.2 solved some of our ocfs-problems under SLES8.
-----Urspr#40689;gliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im Auftrag von Zhai Jingmin
Gesendet: Montag, 09. Mai 2005 11:01
Betreff: RMAN backup to OCFS failed
Hi list,
we are testing 10g RAC building on OCFS volume,backend is EMC|Dell CX500.Database version is rpm packages used to install OCFS is:
ocfs-2.4.21-EL-smp-1.0.14-1 ocfs-support-1.0.10-1 ocfs-tools-1.0.10-1 ocfs-tools-debuginfo-1.0.10-1
2.RMAN cannot backup to OCFS volumn:
ORA-27061: waiting for async I/Os failed
Linux Error: 1: Operation not permitted
sometime the 'Linux Error' is device not exist.
Anyone encounter these problems?
I searched through OCFS mailing list on,but got no clue.Then I created a TAR on Metalink,still got nothing from them.
Any suggestion is appreciated.Thanks in advance.
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