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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Backup RMAN on disk and tape at the same time
On 4/21/05, Luc Demanche <> wrote:
> Vitalis,
Since you mentioned Tivoli was just installed, I am curious if you use the password file feature to segregate databases backed up by RMAN? Different password files on hosts confused me when I first used Tivoli.
There is a password file that goes on the host in Tivoli. The password file is referenced by the tdpo.opt (?) file. I'm not sure what its called in the documentation, but you probably get the idea.
Therefore, if you have two different password files on hosts performing Tivoli backup then RMAN can not find the files backed up from the 'other' host. It almost works the same as Oracle DBID with the exception DBID is in the catalog if you use a catalog.
Mike Thomas
-- on Fri Apr 29 2005 - 08:52:24 CDT