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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: problem running dbca
We're running on SuSE 9 (which is an Oracle-certified combination), and I had to file a TAR for this problem exactly. After several iterations of fruitless back-n-forth with tech spt, I found the following link:
A thread on this blog recommended, as a workaround, removing/renaming the following library files:
(A third file was mentioned, but I didn't find it on my server.)
I renamed these files, then the 'dbca' utility worked. (NOTE: 'netca' is also affected by this.)
I updated the TAR telling Oracle that I wasn't to thrilled with this kludgy way of doing things. But they apparently didn't have a better answer, as their response was: (this is cut-n-pasted directly from the TAR)
"The work-around is acceptable and should not cause a problem with other GUI Apps on your machine."
A final note: the blog is geared toward Mac users, but it worked for my Windows XP desktop that I use with Reflections-X to talk with the LINUX server.
Joe Cooper
Senior Oracle DBA
Highline Data
Austin, TX
"Hollis, Les" <> wrote: You know, I have an install of SuSE 8.0 that I installed on top of and had absolutely NO problems with it...
Guess it's the later releases f Linux (9.0 etc ) that just don't like to play together....
-----Original Message-----
From: Mladen Gogala []=20
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 4:12 PM
Cc: Hollis, Les;
Subject: Re: problem running dbca
stephen booth wrote:
>On 4/28/05, Hollis, Les wrote:
> =20
>>Any ideas?
>> =20
>Sounds like you're trying to use the free version, which isn't
>certified for Oracle due to library incompatibilities. There are work
>arounds that let you do it (try googling) but they are a bit Heath
>Robinson (i.e. a kludge) so aren't reccomended.
> =20
Well, nothing is certified on freeware, but what are the friends for?=20
With enough effort, you can make
it run. It's not certified, but certifiable geeks will find the way.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
Ext. 121
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