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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Checking if remote database is up
Below is a script we run every 15 minutes against both local and remote databases to make sure we can connect. The script will either page or email based on the DBA id given when the script is run. This is just one of several similar scripts we use to monitor our databases.
SAMPLE CRON ENTRY: /u001/home/oracle/dbastuff/scripts/monitoring/
mydb mydba > /dev/null 2>&1 Or
/u001/home/oracle/dbastuff/scripts/monitoring/ mydb mydba_at_mycomp >
/dev/null 2>&1
>>> DB.SH script:
#! /bin/sh
# ******************************************************************
# Author: Ron Smith
# Date: 12/18/00
# Funtion: Checks to make sure in instance is up and
# responding.
# ******************************************************************
# DATE WHO Reason for Change
# 12/19/00 Ron Smith New Prog
# ******************************************************************
# This script calls db.sql.
# The function of this script is to try to connect to a SID and
# return the value of the name field in the V$database view. If
# this fails, the listener and the database should be checked.
# (The following paragraph may not be true. The check for the
# error file may have been commented out)
# If an error file already exists, the script exits without any=20
# action. The DBA should delete the error file when the problem
# is resolved. Another script should be scheduled to run daily
# to delete the error file so the DBA is paged at least once a
# day if the condition continues.
# If the id of the DBA is a Zid, a page will be sent. If the=20
# id of the DBA is an email address (determined by looking for
# an "@" ) , an EMAIL will be sent.
# ******************************************************************
# The OPS$ORACLE user must exist in the instance. This can be=20
# created by running the opsuer.sql script in SQLPLUS while
# logged on as SYSTEM.=20
# The cdmonitoring script must exist in the home/oracle
# directory.
# ******************************************************************
# =20
# (sid) (dba) =20
# =20
# =20
# ******************************************************************
# cd to the monitoring script directory
. $HOME/
export DBA
ATCNT=3D`echo $DBA | grep @ | wc -l`
export ATCNT
SERVER=3D`uname -a | cut -d " " -f2`
export SERVER
ORACLE_HOME=3D`grep "^$ORACLE_SID:" /etc/oratab | head -1 | cut -d: -f2` export ORACLE_HOME PATH=3D$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH:. export PATH
# Delete the old list file if it exists
if [ -f db_$ORACLE_SID.lst ]
then rm db_$ORACLE_SID.lst
# Check to see if an error file exists. If it does get out.
#if [ -f db_$ORACLE_SID.err ]
#then echo "Error file db_$ORACLE_SID.err exists - will exit now" # exit
# If sending to EMAIL address, run sql with headings on
if [ "$ATCNT" -gt "0" ]
then sqlplus / @db.sql on $ORACLE_SID else sqlplus / @db.sql off $ORACLE_SIDfi
# If there is anything in the lst file then send a message
WC=3D`grep -i $ORACLE_SID db_$ORACLE_SID.lst | wc -l`
if [ "$WC" -lt "1" ]
then echo "-DBA- Could not connect to $ORACLE_SID on server $SERVER " > db_$ORACLE_SID.err
if [ "$ATCNT" -gt "0" ]=20 then echo "email sent" cat db_$ORACLE_SID.lst >> db_$ORACLE_SID.err elm -s "-DBA- Could not connect to $ORACLE_SID on server $SERVER" $DBA < db_$ORACLE_SID.err else LC=3D`cat db_$ORACLE_SID.lst | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | wc = -c` echo $LC if [ "$LC" -gt "160" ] then echo "Too many errors to send. Check db_$ORACLE_SID.lst" >> db_$ORACLE_SID.err else cat db_$ORACLE_SID.lst >> db_$ORACLE_SID.err fi echo "page sent" pager $DBA "`cat db_$ORACLE_SID.err`" fi
>>> DB.SQL:
set pause off
set verify off
set feedback off
set hea &1
define ORACLE_SID =3D &2
spool db_$ORACLE_SID.lst
select name from v$database
spool off;
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mercadante, Thomas F
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:41 AM
To: ''; Oracle-L (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Checking if remote database is up
We have a similar situation. What we do is this:
Create a "ocella_available" table in your local database that indicates whether the remote database is available. Run a cron job every minute that does the simple query you are talking about. Depending on the response, update the ocella_available table. In your application, check the ocella_available table to see if it is ok to try and retrieve a record from the remote database.
This works for us. The cron job will also send us email if the remote database becomes unavailable so that we at least know about it.
Good Luck!
-----Original Message-----
From: stephen booth []=20
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 6:53 AM
To: Oracle-L (E-mail)
Subject: Checking if remote database is up
One of our new systems (Documentum from EMC) uses a database link to a remote database (Ocella from Ocella) for some processes. Due to organisation politics the people managing the Ocella database don't tell the people managing Documentum when they're taking their system down (the joys of working in the public sector). Documentum can do most of it's functions when Ocella is down, it just can't do certain transactions, unfortunately it's currently not very good at dealing with situations where the Ocella database is down.
We're looking at some way of checking if the Ocella database is up before trying a transaction that needs it then reporting back to the user if it's down. What we're currently thinking of is putting an empty table in the Ocella database then querying that from a PL/SQL function over the link and trapping the error. If we get data or 'No Rows Returned' then we know that the database is up and the link is working. If we get an ORA-03113 then we know that the database is down or the link isn't working for some other reason (e.g. Network broken again). the function returns either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the remote dtabase is up or not.
Does anyone have experience of a similar situation? Is there a more elegant/reliable method? Anything I've failed to consider that will make this all blow up?
It's better to ask a silly question than to make a silly assumption.
-- -- Important Notice!! If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, any use, distribution or copying of the message is prohibited. Please let me know immediately by return e-mail if you have received this message by mistake, then delete the e-mail message. Thank you. -- on Tue Apr 26 2005 - 09:02:14 CDT
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