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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: What happened!? IMPort tables with "User Defined or XML Datatypes" slow!
>>then in 1800 seconds you will
>>insert 90,000 XMLTypes.
||"much slower" vs. "not working"
||>> Metalink Bug 3330477.
You are using to much logic...there is a bug that indicates performance
"degrades" as time passes.
You seems to think I should be content with and IMPort on high-end
hardware the only completes 53MB after 30 min?
>>Not sure why are you talking in MB or GB
>>not crazy critical for the speed of import.
>>There are other things there, like number of rows, ...
Right in my orginal post I only indicated the size that had completed.
It is not possible to know the number of row inserted without a low
commit buffer *while* the IMPort is happening, right.
So to monitor my table IMPort I cheat and look at segments growth
(dba_segmetns) to see that *something* is happening...else I would just
staring at and IMP prompt.
*BUT* it doesn't matter...this is all relative.
Both are just measurement of was (was not) completed.
Table A with varchar 1mil rows 1GB takes 2 min.
Table B with XMLType 1mil rows 1GB after 30 min the segment is only
"=3D" I have a problem with my XMLType IMPort and it going to be a long
To put any "IMP XMLType" discussion to rest, let me tell you that
yesterday I created the same XMLType table on the target with a db link
to the source XMLType table.
I was able to INSERT...SELECT over db link and pulled/loaded 7 mil rows
and 3.6GB of XMLType w/ CLOB Storage data in 25 min. 28 sec.
I haven't figured out the rows per sec yet...don't care...just know that
I will not be IMPorting XMLType data in 9203-AIX environment again.=20
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Martic Zoran
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: What happened!? IMPort tables with "User Defined or XML
Datatypes" slow!
You said it is doing:
53MB of "XML Datatype" After 30 Min.
If your database is working at speed of 50 XMLType inserts per second, then in 1800 seconds you will insert 90,000 XMLTypes.
This mean if you have XMLType data that are in average 600 bytes that is exactly these 53M worth of data.
Not sure why are you talking in MB or GB while this is not crazy critical for the speed of import. There are other things there, like number of rows, ...
I am now confused, are you saying import is not working at all?
-- -- on Fri Apr 22 2005 - 09:54:04 CDT
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