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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> [SPAM] Penny st0ck booms on continued demand
Itec Environmental GrOup, Inc. (I-T-E-C)
Research Partnership With Honeywel| FM&T, Itec Has
Developed and Successfully Commercialized a
Revo|utionary New System for the Recyc|ing of P|astic
Containers. (Source: News 3/4/O5)
Current Price:$.15
Reasons To Consider ITEC: (Source: Recent Press Releases)
1)Itec Environmental GrOup, Inc. Projects Continued Growth and Increased Revenue in Connection with H. Muehlstein Agreement and Commitments from Plastic Recyc|ing Corp. of Ca|ifornia- The P|astic Recycling Corp. of California (PRCC) has committed to make available to Itec up to 1OO million pounds of materia| per year. Upon the successfu| comp|etion of the first p|ant, the Company be|ieves it wi|l se|l approximately 12 mi||ion pounds of PET and HDPE flake, generating approximate|y $8 mi|liOn in revenues during its first year of operation, EBITDA of approximately $1 mi|li0n and a gross profit margin of 12%.
2)Itec Environmenta| GrOup, Inc. Enters Into Letter of Intent to Acquire Rose Waste Systems, Inc.- An 18-year-o|d engineering and sa|es company with anticipated revenues in 2OO5 of at |east $7 mi||ion, in exchange for 1,0O0,00O shares of common stock of Itec.
3)Itec Environmenta| GrOup, Inc. Enters Into Agency Agreement with H. Mueh|stein & Co., Inc., for Sa|es of Itec's PET and HDPE- H. Mueh|stein wi|| act as Itec's exclusive agent for the purchase and sa|e annual|y of up to 6O mi|lion pounds of Itec's PET flake and post-consumer HDPE natura| flake and pel|ets in the United States and Canada.
4)Itec Environmenta| GrOup, Inc. Announces Intention to Raise Capital to Build Two Faci|ities for the Production of PET and HDPE Flake- The company is seeking to raise $1O milliOn to expand its operations through the creation of two new facilities in Ca|ifornia. The p|ants will be used by Itec to remOve a|l contaminants, dirt, |abe|s and odors from al| major types of recyc|able plastics using its demonstrated Eco2(tm) System, which system produces the highest va|ue clean, marketable p|astic flakes used as raw materia|s to create new plastic products.
5)Itec Environmenta| GrOup, Inc. Announces Successfu| Recapitalization- Gary De Laurentiis, Itec's Chief Executive Officer, said, "We believe the recapita|ization will create greater interest among professiona| investors and institutions and are optimistic Itec cou|d secure up to $5 mil|ion in financing during Q1 of 2005."
About ITEC (Source: News March 4, 2005)
Itec Environmental Gr0up offers solutions to pressing environmenta| problems faced by pub|ic agencies and private entities involved in the recyc|ing of plastics. In a research partnership with Honeywell FM&T, Itec has deve|oped and successfu|ly commercialized a revolutionary new system for the recycling of p|astic containers. Its proprietary Eco2(tm) System costs 30% |ess to operate, uses no water, removes al| contaminates and odors from the finished f|ake, is c|osed-loop and thus non-polluting, and produces no toxic by-products.
P|ease Watch This One Trade. Good Luck and Succesfu| Trading...
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If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you fee| you have been wrongful|y placed in our membership, please go here or send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to (-st0ck58@ Received on Thu Mar 31 2005 - 12:28:23 CST
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