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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Oracle on VMS?
I haven't worked with a VMS instance since my first contact with
Oracle products in the early 90s, so no practical experience to share
with you.
And that's my point.
Most people don't use Oracle on VMS today and haven't for years, whereas Oracle on Linux is a large and growing community. Since there is such a small user community there will be less collective knowledge about problems. There is also less incentive for Oracle to put in extra effort on solving problems for OS ports with small amounts of users (and thus less licenses and smaller amounts of $$$). That is a business factor your management should consider.
No offence to the VMS users, by the way. Those I've met have tended to be very skilled and experienced (i.e. they think everyone reads novels in hexadecimal).
Chris Gait
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 17:47:17 -0500, Paul Baumgartel
<> wrote:
> I'm soliciting backup for a recommendation NOT to migrate our
> Oracle10g databases to a VMS cluster that our parent company is
> installing in a new data center. I'm thoroughly convinced that it's
> not the way to go (I'm planning to use RAC on Linux), but the more
> ammunition I have, the better. Do we have any VMS users who can
> relate their experiences regarding release availability, technical
> resources at Oracle, etc.? On the flip side, do we have anyone on the
> list who has chosen VMS for a new Oracle deployment?
> Thanks,
> --
> Paul Baumgartel
> --
-- Regards, Chris Gait -- on Thu Mar 31 2005 - 06:31:54 CST