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I think the most helpful thing to remember
is things like oracle objects and records can easily
be mimicked with C structs.
So, when returning an array of those types you just need to use an array of structs or an array of objects (you just need to map a java type to the db type and you're ready to go).
Here's simple example for JDBC (I don't use java=20 procs in the db, but I imagine to convert my example to a java stored proc is trivial).
Here is the oracle object, array, and a function That returns the array of objects:
create type demo_obj as object( val1 number, val2 number, val3 number ); /
create type demo_array as table of demo_obj; /
create or replace function f_demo ( p_num number )
return demo_array=20
l_array demo_array :=3D demo_array(); begin
bulk collect into l_array=20 from all_objects=20 where rownum <=3D p_num;=20
here's a little jdbc demo (just a single java class). Pass in a number at the command line to change the number or rows returned.
import java.lang.*; import java.sql.*; import*;
public class arrayDemo
public static void main( String args[] ) throws IOException,
DriverManager.registerDriver( new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()
Connection conn =3D DriverManager.getConnection ( "jdbc:oracle:oci:@YOUR_DB", "SCOTT", "TIGER" );
conn.setAutoCommit( false );
Integer numRows =3D new Integer(args[0]); // variable to accept the number of rows to return (passed at runtime)
Object attributes[] =3D new Object[3]; // "attributes" of the =
in the db
// object demo_obj in the db has 3 fields, all numeric
// create an array of objects which has 3 attributes
// we are building a template of that db object
// the values i pass below are just generic numbers, 1,2,3 mean
nothing really
attributes[0] =3D new Integer(1); =20 attributes[1] =3D new Integer(2); attributes[2] =3D new Integer(3);
// this will represent the data type DEMO_OBJ in the database
Object demo_obj[] =3D new Object[1];
// make the connection between oracle <-> jdbc type
demo_obj[0] =3D new oracle.sql.STRUCT (new
// the function returns an array (collection) of the demo_obj
// make the connection between that array(demo_array) and a jdbc
oracle.sql.ARRAY demo_array =3D new oracle.sql.ARRAY (new oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor("DEMO_ARRAY",conn),conn,demo_obj);
// call the plsql function
OracleCallableStatement cs =3D
(OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall ("BEGIN ? :=3D F_DEMO(?);
// bind variables
cs.registerOutParameter (1,OracleTypes.ARRAY,"DEMO_ARRAY");
cs.setInt (2,numRows.intValue());
// get the results of the oracle array into a local jdbc array=20
oracle.sql.ARRAY results =3D (oracle.sql.ARRAY)cs.getArray(1);
// flip it into a result set
ResultSet rs =3D results.getResultSet();
// process the result set
while ( {
// since it's an array of objects, get and display the value of the underlying object
oracle.sql.STRUCT obj =3D (STRUCT)rs.getObject(2);
Object vals[] =3D obj.getAttributes();
System.out.println (vals[0] + " " + vals[1] + " " + vals[2]); }
// cleanup
conn.close(); =20
I just ran it, works fine. I imagine it works the same way for a java stored proc with maybe some small modifications.
Good luck,
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Steve Rospo
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: Passing arrays/objects to Java Stored Procedures?
Does anyone have examples of passing PL/SQL arrays and/or objects into
Java Stored Procedures? I can find plenty of examples of passing
but I can't find more complex examples with collections or objects.
Stephen Rospo Principal Software Architect
Vallent Corporation (formerly Watchmark-Comnitel) (425)564-8145
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-- -- on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 09:47:01 CST