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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: top CPU utilizing sessions
Hello The Human Fly,
I think this query can give you some hint.:-)
select b.username,b.sid,b.serial#,b.osuser,b.machine,b.program,,a.value
from v$sesstat a,v$session b,v$statname c
where a.sid = b.sid and a.statistic# = c.statistic#
and a.statistic# = 12
order by value desc;
Best regards,
>Hello list,
>Can any one give me the script from which I can find out of my all
>current users top session by CPU TIME like the one which we get in OEM
>CONSOLE sessionS.
>"It is your atittude, not your aptitude that determins your altitude."
-- on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 05:32:48 CST