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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Triggers - Value Passing
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 02:23:52 -0800 (PST), Kean Jacinta
<> wrote:
> My question , If this statement put inside a trigger .
> Then how would a trigger pass the returning value to
> my application ?
Here is one method to do it.
This is not the most efficient method, as each row is doing a select from dual, but it may give you some idea of how to do this.
drop table trg_test_tbl;
drop sequence trg_test_seq;
create sequence trg_test_seq
start with 1
create table trg_test_tbl (
pk number(12) not null, first_name varchar2(30) not null, last_name varchar2(30) not null
create or replace package trg_test_pkg
current_pk number(12);
create or replace trigger trg_test_trg
before insert on trg_test_tbl
for each row
select trg_test_seq.nextval into trg_test_pkg.current_pk
from dual; := trg_test_pkg.current_pk;end;
for orec in ( select substr(object_name,1,30) first_name, owner last_name from all_objects where rownum <= 20 ) loop insert into trg_test_tbl(last_name, first_name) values(orec.last_name, orec.first_name); dbms_output.put_line(trg_test_pkg.current_pk); end loop;
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
-- on Tue Mar 22 2005 - 18:06:17 CST