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The first update would depend on an index on the s1 column to be
efficient, otherwise it would do a full table scan looking for
applicable rows. The second using the "current of" clause is equivalent
to rowid =3D x1.rowid. Now if there are two or more rows where s1 has =
same value you've got two or more update statements that will get
processed in method 2. Also, with the "current of" clause you can't
commit after a number of rows as "for update of" causes a row level lock
to be taken out on all of the rows returned. Doing a commit or rollback
within the cursor will invalidate the cursor & cause the PL/SQL block to
fail. Unless you've included an exit command.
Dick Goulet
Senior Oracle DBA
Oracle Certified 8i DBA
-----Original Message-----
From: Guang Mei []=20
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:29 PM
To: ''
Subject: Question on update ... where current of ...=20
A quick pl/sql question for oracle 9i. I have these two pl/sql blocks
does oracle treat them same internally when inside the loop?=20
Would "method 2" be better, in terms of performance?
-- method 1:
SELECT ID, s1 FROM t1 WHERE s1 =3D 'abc'; FOR UPDATE; BEGIN FOR x IN c1 LOOP UPDATE t1=20 SET StateID =3D 'NEW', LASTMODIFIEDDT =3D sysdate=20 WHERE s1 =3D x.s1; END LOOP;