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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: open/close cursor question
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your response. It was my mistake not to call "select count(*) ..." after close cursor. Now I added that and I am still puzzled by the result.
SQL> select count(*) from v$open_cursor where sid=9;
SQL> declare
2 sqlstmt VARCHAR2(32000); 3 TYPE refCur IS REF CURSOR; 4 outmsg refCur; 5 CNT NUMBER :=0; 6 r_rid number; 7 cnt_cursor NUMBER :=0; 8 begin 9 sqlstmt := ' SELECT RID from customers'; 10 OPEN outmsg FOR sqlstmt; 11 LOOP 12 FETCH outmsg INTO r_rid; 13 EXIT WHEN outmsg%NOTFOUND; 14 cnt := cnt +1; 15 END LOOP; 16 select count(*) into cnt_cursor from v$open_cursor where sid=9; 17 dbms_output.put_line('1st time, before close cursor total number ofopen cursors =' || cnt_
18 CLOSE outmsg ; 19 select count(*) into cnt_cursor from v$open_cursor where sid=9; 20 dbms_output.put_line('1st time, after close cursor total number ofopen cursors =' || cnt_c
22 --- same code run again: 23 cnt :=0; 24 OPEN outmsg FOR sqlstmt; 25 LOOP 26 FETCH outmsg INTO r_rid; 27 EXIT WHEN outmsg%NOTFOUND; 28 cnt := cnt +1; 29 END LOOP; 30 select count(*) into cnt_cursor from v$open_cursor where sid=9; 31 dbms_output.put_line('2nd time, before close cursor total number ofopen cursors =' || cnt_
32 CLOSE outmsg ; 33 select count(*) into cnt_cursor from v$open_cursor where sid=9; 34 dbms_output.put_line('2nd time, after close cursor total number ofopen cursors =' || cnt_c
1st time, before close cursor total number of open cursors =3 1st time, after close cursor total number of open cursors =3 1st time, total number of customers =157 2nd time, before close cursor total number of open cursors =5 2nd time, after close cursor total number of open cursors =5 2nd time, total number of customers =157
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Antognini []
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 1:52 AM
Cc: Oracle-L (E-mail)
Subject: RE: open/close cursor question
Hi Guang
> 16 select count(*) into cnt_cursor from v$open_cursor where =
> 17 dbms_output.put_line('1st time, before close cursor total =
> of open cursors =3D' || cnt_cursor );
> 18 CLOSE outmsg ;
> 19 dbms_output.put_line('1st time, after close cursor total =
> of open cursors =3D' || cnt_cursor );
The variable cnt_cursor cannot change between line 17 and 19. So, why do = you expect different values?
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