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Re: 10g RAC - Cluster Ready Services

From: Martic Zoran <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 11:53:01 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>


I have the friend in Oracle.
I asked him is there any document for stupid DBA's as I am where Oracle explaining in stupid way how to install RAC on Solaris without any clusterware or volume manager. He said you do not need anything of course (old sales story).
When I insisted (even after reading all RAC books, notes and who knows what) he asked further the chain and at the end he was put on the hall of the shame for asking something like that :)
I can imagine. In Oracle whatever sales said is true.

Anyway, I could not get rid of Sun Cluster because of 9i RAC. I installed 10g RAC a few times in the different way.

I think I did next, but cannot remember anymore, need to check when back to work).
If you create the partition (raw device) in the same way on the shared disks with format utility just one raw device. Where you can point from both nodes to the same disk/raw device and use it for CRS voting disk, then I believe that is it.
Later on you can install ASM in the cluster mode as I did. Also RAC on top of clustered ASM.

But again, because I have Veritas volume manager and Sun Cluster preinstalled on that machine, I cannot say that this is going to work on the flat Solaris (or other OS).

If you think that ASM is also using stupid format partitions (or created by some volume manager) then in the same way you can create one partition (raw evice) for CRS.

Does this make sense?


> Hello List,
> In one of the metalink note, about CRS (cluster
> ready services), the
> following has been said.
> CRS can either run on top of the vendor clusterware
> (such as Sun Cluster,
> HP Serviceguard, IBM HACMP, TruCluster, Veritas
> Cluster, Fujitsu Primecluster,
> etc...) or can run without the vendor clusterware.
> The vendor clusterware
> was required in 9i RAC but is optional in 10g RAC.
> That means, without vendor clusterware just with CRS
> installed we work
> with 10G RAC. Is vendor clusterware is really an
> option in 10g RAC?
> Dont we have any other problems?
> Appreciate your valuable advices.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Jaffar, OCP DBA
> Banque Saudi Fransi
> Saudi Arabia

> "It is your atittude, not your aptitude that
> determins your altitude."
> --

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