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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> A Design Question
Suppose one has a table, People and a table Work_Categories. A person =
can be responsible for many work categories, and a work category can =
have several persons responsible for it. Thus the many:many relation =
ship between People and Work_Categories which is resolved by creating a =
junction table holding the People_PK and the Work_Categories_PK which =
are foreign keys referencing the primary keys of their respective parent =
tables. =20
What if a work category must have at least one and no more than one = primary manager, but can have many secondary manager? A person can be = the primary manager for a number of categories. Now the cardinality of = the relationship for a primary supervisor that is between = Work_Categories and People is no longer many:many, but many:1. The = WORK_Category table needs a FK which references the Person_PK to = designate a primary manager. However secondary supervisors still have = the many:many relationship described above and hence the junction table = is still required
This makes it easier to enforce the constraint that a work category must =
have one and only one supervisor. It becomes more complex to insure =
that a person is not both a primary and a secondary supervisor for the =
same category. The PERSON_PK/FK FIELD Of the junction table must =
reference the People to ensure such a value exists, but that field must =
also be compared with the
PERSON_FK field of the Work_Category field to make sure it doesn't =
exist. But a person can be "primary" for one work category and =
secondary for another. There are no declarative "anti"-constraints, if =
that's the proper term, thus this would have to be coded.
The problem is that one tends to view the managers and a single entity = despite some being secondary and some being primary. Users want to see = all the managers listed together including those who have privileges to = change the primary/secondary designations.
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I was wondering how others were facing this problem. Another solution = would be to not enforce the rules at data entry time, but to have = exception reports. Despite the difference in cardinality of the = relationships involving primary and secondary. They are treated the = same way in the database.
Ian MacGregor
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
-- on Sat Feb 26 2005 - 00:59:25 CST
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