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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Oracle Hackers Weekend
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 07:55:07 -0500, rjamya <> wrote:
> They have another one of those sessions planned in SF between Sept
> 18-22. It is normally called Openworld. But wait, it is Oracle Hawking
> weekend then ... this one is hacking ...
A few years ago, in the UK at least, you could go to an Oracle technical event and actually have a technical presentation (OK, marketing would do their little bit but it was mostly technical) then finish off the day having a few beers with the Oracle techies and picking up useful information. Now it seems like every event, even if it's billed as a technical event, is purely the marketing department with no techies and no beers. To make things worse there have been several times I've heard them say things at these events that are outright lies. They're nearly as bad as Microsoft!
To get the real information you have to go to User Group SIGs &c, especially where someone from the Oak Table Network is presenting.
-- It's better to ask a silly question than to make a silly assumption. -- on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 09:13:05 CST