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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Delete Datafile and Recover DB Without Using Backup?
I'm trying to create a db link from a 9i database to an 8i database on
another server. I've edited the tnsnames.ora file for the 9i database,
adding an entry for the 8i database, and created the link on the 9i
database, using OEM. But when I test the link in OEM (by clicking
"Test"), the alert box tells me the link is not active. Do I need to
bounce the 9i database so that it picks up the altered tnsnames.ora
file? That is, does Oracle only scan the tnsnames.ora file at startup,
or should it look afresh at the tnsnames.ora file each time name
resolution is required?
Paul Vincent
University of Central England
-- on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 07:27:57 CST