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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> is it possible to use a function to Solaris 9
What I want to do is build a In list and feed it to a query:
select * from test2 where
symbol in ( select test_function('IBM') symbol from dual);
One symbol comming out of the function works fine. multiples do not the select test_function('IBM') from dual works just fine.
I cannot get the outer query to work.
What am I missing?
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_function ( p_symbol in test.symbol%type
) RETURN varchar2
v_cur_symbol alias.symbol%type; v_in_list_sql varchar2 (4000); v_symbol alias.symbol%type := upper(p_symbol); cursor symbol_cur is select distinct a1.symbol from test where symbol = v_symbol ) BEGIN
For symbol_recs in symbol_cur
v_cur_symbol := symbol_recs.symbol || ',';
v_in_list_sql := rtrim(v_in_list_sql,' ') || v_cur_symbol;
/* take off last comma */
v_in_list_sql := substr(rtrim(v_in_list_sql,' ') ,1,(length(rtrim(v_in_list_sql,' ')))-1 ) ;
return v_in_list_sql;
WHEN No_Data_Found
return v_in_list_sql;
raise_application_error(sqlcode, SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,100));
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-- on Thu Feb 24 2005 - 18:16:43 CST