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We're using an IBM FAStT 900 SAN, but yes we do use a SAN split (known as Flash Copy on the FAStT) to backup our l'il 40GB DB.
I'm not sure what advantage RMAN would have for this, but our nightly hotbacks go a little something like this:
Steps 1-4 take about 20 seconds, with some padded sleeps in there for CYA safety (sometimes filesystems take an extra second or two to "really" unmount a logical volume). Step 5 runs at about 50-60GB/hour for us. Our locations are connected via shared 1GB fiber, I believe.
One very important thing to remember about this is that in order to maintain a consistent "snapshot" of what the DB looked like at the time of backup, the SAN needs to make a copy of the data blocks (SAN blocks, not Oracle blocks) before changing that block for the first time. This only needs to happen as long as your snapshot exists. This extra copy can cause a write performance penalty. Also, the SAN needs to copy this data block to somewhere, and that somewhere is defined by the SAN Administrator. If you don't provide enough space to save all the blocks that can change while the backup's running, the snapshot/split/fastcopy will most likely fail, causing your backup to fail (among other things). Lord knows what'll happen on NT. I wasn't very confident Windohs would handle it, but didn't care because we're on HPUX.
There are three things to keep in mind when changing your backup strategy:
HTH! GL! Enjoy!
Rich Jesse System/Database Administrator QuadTech, Sussex, WI USA
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of art vandelay
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 10:16 PM
Subject: clarion san split
our nt admin is trying to push this emc clarion SAN split on ud for backups...anyone using this?
Also as an aside,we take rman backups to disk producing about a 130gb backupset, from there the nt admins backup to tape. My rman backup takes 45 mins and the backups to tape takes 9 hours using LTO 2 over the newtork. Is it me or does this seem like a long time. During the backup to tape the whole network goes wooooosh as the available bandwith is being taken up by the backups.
Received on Thu Feb 24 2005 - 13:33:39 CST