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Why do you want to use exp/imp instead of migrate?
Just curious. Migrate doesn't actually move the data around, unlike exp / imp. It does use disk space but then so do .dmp files, if you have a big file you may need a lot of disk no matter what you do.
Exp / imp ... Do a test first, exp and imp (even full) doesn't catch everything -- grants by SYS, other things.
If your db links are bad you may run into trouble with packages, imp sometimes drops those...
If you have it, you may want to use Change Manager to compare before and after the exp / imp to see what differences appear (or maybe you'll be fine... But you will know).
Ensure you have your NLS env var set at the OS level, if you're not using US7ASCII. Exp is faster than imp... Don't guesstimate how long the process takes by how fast your exports get done.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sami Seerangan []
Sent: February 23, 2005 6:36 PM
To: oracle-l
Subject: Steps to migrate 8i data into 9i
We are in the process of migrating DB into We are planing to migrate the data using schema-wise exp/imp. We have prepared draft version of this migration script.
Does anybody havebest practice or good resource/link/document about data migration using exp/imp?
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Received on Thu Feb 24 2005 - 01:24:28 CST