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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Hierarchical query for locking
Is ?\rdbms\admin\utllockt.sql an option for you?
As documented in the script, note 2 disadvantages:
One, a table is created when this script is run. To create a table =
a number of locks must be
acquired. This might cause the session running the script to get =
caught in the lock problem it is trying to diagnose. =20
Two, if a session waits on a lock held by more than one session (share = lock) then the wait-for graph is no longer a tree and the connect-by = will show the session (and any sessions waiting on it) several times.
Bruce Reardon
-----Original Message-----
>From Adams, Matthew (GE
Consumer & Industrial)
Sent: Thursday, 24 February 2005 6:37 AM
Before I go and re-invent the wheel (again), does anybody have a hand script (that they're willing to share) for showing locks (and blocking locks) that utilizes the=3D20 CONNECT BY PRIOR clause to make it a hierarchical query?
Matt Adams - GE Appliances -
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-- on Wed Feb 23 2005 - 16:35:00 CST
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