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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: How to check Lock SQL - Please help
I'm not sure what you mean when you say "I am trying to run it
continously and getting only the insert into several table." Do you mean
that you don't see the inserts into table A, only inserts into other
Does table A have foreign key constraints, or are their foreign key
constraints on other tables referencing table A, or does table A have
both (foreign key constraints AND referencing foreign key constraints)?
Try the alter table add partition in a PL/SQL loop
resource_busy exception ;
pragma exception_init (resource_busy, -00054) ;
partition_added boolean := false ;
while not partition_added
begin execute immediate 'alter table SCHEMA.A add partition PARTITION_NAME' ; partition_added := true ; exception when resource_busy then null ; when others then raise ; end ; if not partition_added then dbms_lock.sleep (1) ; end if ;
-----Original Message-----
Sanjay Mishra
Thanks for the message. Actually this is not going to work in mine case.
Here is little more.
I want to add new partition into the tableA and getting the Resource
Busy error and so partition is not added. Mine problem is that the
tableA is heavily accessed whole day and every second, I am getting
20-50records into the tableA which is showing the lock. There are five
session running the same process which is inserting data into the table
and those session are having are static and connection is always
I tried to run select t.sql_text from v$session s,v$sqltext t where s.sql_hash_value = t.hash_value and s.sid in (29,30,31,32,33)
I am trying to run it continously and getting only the insert into several table.
The TableA has 4 FK constraints and all are indexed
Thomas Day <> wrote:
Are your primary key and foreign key expressed through indexes?
You also might try the script below.
I'm sorry that I can't understand your problem any better but I hope this helps.
Finds (most of the time) the SQL that is locking a row
-- Posted by "Mark Leith" on Oracle-L
-- from: ( >Support > User Defined Collections >
select l.sid sid,
s.username username, s.program program, t.sql_text, owner, object, l.type type,
and l.sid=s.sid(+) and l.id1 = o.obj# (+) and o.owner#=u.user#(+) and s.sql_hash_value = t.hash_value
-- on Tue Feb 22 2005 - 19:49:59 CST
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