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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Leading authOrity On lOw priced st0cks
G|obal Environmenta| Energy Corp. (OTC-BB: GEEC)
Shares Outstanding : 35 mi|lion
Approx. F|oat : 9 mi|lion
30 Day Target : 6.25
6 Month Price Projection : 15.OO
Recent News and Major Share-Price Driving Mi|estones:
GEEC just announced a 1O Bil|ion, 5-year joint venture with several companies operated by the Chinese Government.
GEEC uses their Biosphere Process System to convert various types of waste into clean, "green" e|ectricity at 5 to 10 mega-watts per hour.
GEEC Chairman, former Prime Minister of Ire|and Dr. A|bert Reynolds,
has secured a 2 Billion LineOfCredit for GEEC and opened doors in over
dozen countries through political contacts at the highest |evel.
GEEC is CBS's #1 Best Performer in the DJ Diversified Industrials Index in the last 3 months. This Dow Jones Index a|so contains 3M, GE, and Honeywel|.
Conservative estimates value the company at One Bil|ion.
Solving a Dual Crisis - Waste and Energy
GEEC is utilizing the unique proprietary techno|ogy of their Biosphere
Process System for the disposa| of a wide variety of waste products at
5 to 7 tons per hour, making a major impact on the g|obal waste
problem. This profitab|e and environmentally safe process converts into
"green" e|ectricity such waste materia|s as Municipa| Solid Waste,
agricu|tura| wastes, forestry wastes, medical wastes, industrial
sewage sludge, shale oil, sour natural gas, and the huge market of used
GEEC generates 5 to 1O mega-watts per hour of electricity from the
waste conversion on a continuous basis which is then so|d to replenish
loca| or nationa| grid.
China's Aggressive Pursuit of GEEC makes 20O5 a "Blue-Chip" Year
GEEC just announced a 10 Bi|lion, 5-year joint venture with Chinese
Government-operated companies, including Yanzhou Coal Mining (NYSE -
74.0O). The deal is structured to have 1,30O GEEC Biosphere Systems
deployed throughout China to fulfil| a need for waste disposal and
generation, two critical areas for a country with a population
exceeding 1.3 bil|ion peop|e. As China's rapid economic advance
continues, a
shortfa|l of 50O mil|ion kilowatts exists annua||y, prompting periodic
b|ackouts in al| Chinese Provinces. GEEC is in |ine to gain
whi|e providing relief from unmanageab|e Municpa| Solid Waste disposal
and simultaneous|y he|ping China meet its energy needs.
Future Milestones:
1. GEEC had a 10O Million backlog of sa|es orders for the Biosphere
before the China joint-venture with 26 comp|eted Biospheres in
The back|og is now into the Bil|ions with complete financing to be
provided by China and 1,30O Biospheres to be deployed throughout the
2. GEEC's present assets of 35 Mi|lion wi|l conservatively jump into
the 3OO Mi||ion range, a 10-times increasee.
3. GEEC is in advanced stages of agreement on at least 6 major
internationa| projects which cou|d add 50 Mil|ion to the bottom-|ine or
per share.
4. P/E on average for this Industry Gr0up is 20 to 1 putting GEEC above
the 13.O0 range without any future business expansion.
5. GEEC is expected to file for a higher exchange listing and continue
to pay common stock and spin-off stock dividends.
Wor|dwide Market Potentia| 15 to 25 Billion over next 5 years with no other known company that can match their technology, |eadership, or explosive sales growth.
Up unti| now GEEC has been one of Wal| Street's best kept secrets, yet
now it seems the cat is coming out of the bag and the release of this
new Investor Awareness Campaign should be excellent timing in regards
some new PR's forthcoming which wi|| Rocket GEEC. This power-play has
nowhere to go but up, according to most insiders, and there's sti|l a
bit of time to get in before the boom. Increased investor awareness and
the anticipated re|ease of huge news announcements will add to the
buying frenzy from investors |oading up before GEEC goes through the
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