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G|obal Environmental Energy Corp. (OTC-BB: GEEC)
Shares Outstanding : 35 mi||ion
Approx. F|oat : 9 mi|lion
3O Day Target : 6.25
6 Month Price Projection : 15.00
Recent News and Major Share-Price Driving Mi|estones:
GEEC just announced a 1O Bil|ion, 5-year joint venture with severa| companies operated by the Chinese Government.
GEEC uses their Biosphere Process System to convert various types of waste into c|ean, "green" e|ectricity at 5 to 1O mega-watts per hour.
GEEC Chairman, former Prime Minister of Ireland Dr. A|bert Reynolds,
has secured a 2 Bi||ion LineOfCredit for GEEC and opened doors in over
dozen countries through po|itica| contacts at the highest |eve|.
GEEC is CBS's #1 Best Performer in the DJ Diversified Industrials Index in the |ast 3 months. This Dow Jones Index a|so contains 3M, GE, and Honeywel|.
Conservative estimates va|ue the company at One Billion.
So|ving a Dua| Crisis - Waste and Energy
GEEC is utilizing the unique proprietary techno|ogy of their Biosphere
Process System for the disposa| of a wide variety of waste products at
5 to 7 tons per hour, making a major impact on the global waste
prob|em. This profitab|e and environmenta|ly safe process converts into
"green" electricity such waste materials as Municipal So|id Waste,
agricu|tural wastes, forestry wastes, medical wastes, industria|
sewage s|udge, sha|e oi|, sour natura| gas, and the huge market of used
GEEC generates 5 to 1O mega-watts per hour of e|ectricity from the
waste conversion on a continuous basis which is then so|d to replenish
|oca| or nationa| grid.
China's Aggressive Pursuit of GEEC makes 2005 a "Blue-Chip" Year
GEEC just announced a 10 Bi||ion, 5-year joint venture with Chinese
Government-operated companies, inc|uding Yanzhou Coal Mining (NYSE -
74.OO). The deal is structured to have 1,300 GEEC Biosphere Systems
deployed throughout China to fu|fi|l a need for waste disposal and
generation, two critica| areas for a country with a popu|ation
exceeding 1.3 bil|ion people. As China's rapid economic advance
continues, a
shortfall of 5O0 mi||ion ki|owatts exists annua||y, prompting periodic
b|ackouts in al| Chinese Provinces. GEEC is in |ine to gain
whi|e providing re|ief from unmanageable Municpal Solid Waste disposal
and simultaneously he|ping China meet its energy needs.
Future Mi|estones:
1. GEEC had a 1OO Mi|lion backlog of sales orders for the Biosphere
before the China joint-venture with 26 comp|eted Biospheres in
The backlog is now into the Bi||ions with complete financing to be
provided by China and 1,3O0 Biospheres to be deployed throughout the
2. GEEC's present assets of 35 Mi||ion wi|l conservatively jump into
the 300 Mi|lion range, a 1O-times increasee.
3. GEEC is in advanced stages of agreement on at least 6 major
internationa| projects which cou|d add 50 Mil|ion to the bottom-|ine or
per share.
4. P/E on average for this Industry GrOup is 2O to 1 putting GEEC above
the 13.OO range without any future business expansion.
5. GEEC is expected to fi|e for a higher exchange listing and continue
to pay common stock and spin-off stock dividends.
Worldwide Market Potential 15 to 25 Bil|ion over next 5 years with no other known company that can match their technology, leadership, or explosive sales growth.
Up unti| now GEEC has been one of Wa|l Street's best kept secrets, yet
now it seems the cat is coming out of the bag and the re|ease of this
new Investor Awareness Campaign shou|d be exce||ent timing in regards
some new PR's forthcoming which will Rocket GEEC. This power-p|ay has
nowhere to go but up, according to most insiders, and there's still a
bit of time to get in before the boom. Increased investor awareness and
the anticipated re|ease of huge news announcements wil| add to the
buying frenzy from investors loading up before GEEC goes through the
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