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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: UID & GID for os user & group in Unix
Ahmadsyah Alghozi Nugroho wrote:
> Are there any convention which number UID and GID that I have to use for
> 'oracle' os user and 'dba' os group in Sun Solaris?
> =20
> Holly
> <>=20
> =20
> Ahmadsyah Alghozi Nugroho=20
No. Sometimes higher numbers are reserved for human users, while lower numbers are reserved for owners of software installations, it varies from one Unix to another, but it's not mandatory. If you want to freak out your Unix admin, ask to have the 'oracle' UID set to zero! :-)
More importantly, it is convenient for commands like "tar" if the UID and GID are consistent across all servers in your organization, whatever they are.
-- Mark Bole -- on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 11:41:34 CST