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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> SV: Logical standby transaction_consistency parameter to none
Thanks for your reply. I will look at the white paper you suggested. The st= andby database in this case is used as a query database for a data warehous= e. I will probably try setting it to none and If that doesn=B4t help me I g=uess I will have to re-instantiate the Database.
Thanks again for your reply =
Birkir Bjornsson
-----Upphafleg bo=F0-----
Sendandi: [mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.o=
rg] Fyrir h=F6nd Mark Bole
Sent: 18. febr=FAar 2005 14:17
Efni: Re: Logical standby transaction_consistency parameter to none
Birkir Bjornsson wrote:
> =3D =
> =
> Im running a logical standby DB and I was wondering what=3D happends if I=
> transaction_consisstency parameter to none. The logical standby is behind=
> almost 8 days and I need to speed things up. All the tables have indexes =
> that’s not the problem I guess. But is it okei=3D to set the
> transaction_consisstency to none and try to get them in sync. Or wi=3D ll=
> mess up the standby database? =
> =
> Thanks Birkir =
There is a white paper on Metalink "9i SQL Apply Best Practices" which =
documents a moderate speed-up by setting transaction_consistency to =
NONE. Beware of trying to monitor the apply progress as user SYSTEM or =
SYS in this case, you won't see accurate information. Also, don't let =
users actually query anything while applying with this setting in =
effect, as results can be inconsistent.
Depending on your situation, it may be faster to simply re-instantiate =
your logical standby (if you can afford the brief outage of your primary =
to do so). If you are using this strictly for disaster recovery, a =
physical standby would be a better choice, and recovering 8 days worth =
of archived redo would probably go much faster too.
Mark Bole
-- -- on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 10:06:17 CST
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