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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: RMAN and VLDB's: managing RO tablespaces
Use SKIP READONLY in your BACKUP command.
on 2/17/05 7:35 PM, Teehan, Mark at wrote:
> Does anyone use 9i RMAN for VLDB's? I need to keep the a full backupset
> compressed on disk: by directing files for RO tablespaces to one directory,
> and rotating RW tablespaces in another directory to try and keep a consistent
> backup on disk at all times. 9i Incrementals are no good as it will scan
> hundreds of GB of RO tablespaces daily searching for changed blocks.
> Does anyone see a problem with this sort of RO/RW split? Or does anyone know
> if SQL*Backtrack does anything clever for large(ly) RO VLDBs?
> Thanks!
> Mark
-- on Thu Feb 17 2005 - 23:10:13 CST