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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: NLS_CHARACTERSET client settings
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 08:19:25 -0500, Mercadante, Thomas F
<> wrote:
> Jared,
> If you use two Oracle Homes, you can update the NLS_LANG registry setting to
> identify which language you are speaking when you run your client software.
I've thought about that. There are scenarios where it would likely work.
(weasel words to indicate I haven't yet tested this ;)
probably work:
Two Oracle homes. Each application uses a config file to specify location of Oracle components.
probably won't work:
Two Oracle homes. Each application relies on PATH to find location of Oracle components.
probably work:
Two Oracle homes. Application uses ODBC. Setup DSN's each with
an Oracle ODBC driver from a different Oracle home.
probably work:
A single Oracle home, use CMD files to run that apps, setting NLS_LANG in each as needed.
Another option is to use a CMD file as above, but set the correct Oracle Home and PATH via scripts that retrieve from the registry, and/or modify the registry. I already have the scripts for this, but it is intended for use on servers and my laptop, too much complexity to dump on the folks maintaining user machines.
-- Jared Still Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist -- on Thu Feb 17 2005 - 12:57:34 CST