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It's certainly possible. =20
Unfortunately, it's been a while since I was in the OCI innards here, but I recall that there was an issue where the OCI 7 approach to prefetching did not work with Oracle 9 databases. This made applications send a separate network request for every row, unless the client application was specifically written to do array fetches (which most ODBC applications are not designed to do).
Justin Cave <>
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Smith, Ron L.
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 4:35 PM
To: oracle-l
Subject: Oracle 9i performance
We have an application running on an NT server using an Oracle 7.2 V2.5 ODBC connection to talk to a new 9.2 database on a Linux server. The application transfers a lot of data back and forth. The performance is pretty slow. Could it be caused by the old ODBC and SQL*NET on the application server?
Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 17:31:51 CST