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RE: How to handle the exception when remote db is down

From: Nick Tilbury _at_ Northampton <_at_>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 15:06:19 -0000
Message-ID: <>

AQ is messaging functionality for Non-Oracle databases AND Oracle database. The reason you need it in this case is to take away some admin/management a= ctivities.
The way I read your requirements is that you want a local program to comple= te
correctly regardless of the status of the remote database.

It therefore makes sense to make the part of your program that deals with t= he remote
database a two-phase one.

EG, (A) insert into the local table.=20
(B) enqueue an AQ message to be asynchronously picked up and pushed to the = remote DB.

Using AQ for the remote task means simple admin tasks like handling queue e= xceptions and=20
attempting retries can be taken care of.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sami Seerangan [] Sent: 16 February 2005 14:40
To: Mercadante, Thomas F; Nick Tilbury @ Northampton Cc:
Subject: Re: How to handle the exception when remote db is down

Thomas and Nick, Thanks for your responses.

AQ is to propagate messages to and from non-Oracle messaging systems. Here I just interact with another oracle database thru distributed transaction. Why do I need AQ in this place?

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 08:37:23 -0500, Mercadante, Thomas F <> wrote:
> Sami,
> The problem is that Oracle is still holding the update to the remote
> database open. Try the following:
> You could also look at using savepoints. Nick had a good idea also about
> looking at Advanced Queueing.
> Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> Hi All,
> I am trying to do DML activity on both local and remore DB. If the
> remote db is down, I need to insert the values into temporary table on
> the local db so that later when the remore db becomes available I can
> push the records.

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Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 10:09:17 CST

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