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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: latch-free SCN scheme (
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 00:56:05 -0000, Tanel P=F5der <>=
> Btw, this description of zero-copy redo is just my untested guess, based =
> few parameter names, latch statistics and background information. Even
> though operating systems do use such VM page remapping tricks for (like s=
> TCP stack implementations) for performance reasons - Oracle might not do
> it - zero copy might also mean that redo records are directly constructed=
> private strand areas and written to disk directly from there by logwr, as
> opposed to creating these in PGA and copying to logbuffer then...
VM page remapping is not possible for a user process. I speak for Solaris and Linux. Other OSes may allow it though. Anyways, since Oracle is largely UNIXoriented, your second scenario is more likely.
> Tanel.
-- on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 03:59:43 CST