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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Datafile Recovery!!
Yes, Basically since an IOT is a table stored within the PK index we
allocate IOT's to table tablespaces rather than index tablespaces. Admane,
you will have to drop the table to put your plan into action. This means
you will need to be able to go back to an export file for the table or have
another means of recreating it. Going back to an export could result in
data loss if any DML has been applied to the table since the export.
Alternately you will need to restore the datafile from the last backup and run forward recovery assuming the database is in archivelogmode.
HTH -- Mark D Powell --
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Stephane Faroult
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: Datafile Recovery!!
The IOT primary key index IS the table.
Admane, Narendra wrote:
>Version - 9=2E2=2E0=2E4
>Os - solaris 8=0D
>I lost one datafile for database, fortunately that datafile was the part of
>index tablespace so I decided to -
>1=2E drop all the indexes, drop tablespace, recreate tablespace and create
>those index again=2E I got create index statements using dbms_metadata
>Unfortunately that tablespace contains the Primary key indexes from IOT
>table=2E And when I tried to drop/rebuild the indexes, I got the errors
>related to IOTs and LOB's=2E
>Is there anyway to come over this situation?? Other wise I need to recover
>the database from backup=2E=0D
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-- -- on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 12:09:14 CST
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